Friday, August 6, 2010

Thank Heavens for Little Boys

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy

Wow-I cannot hardly imagine that it is already August! It has been a while since I have written so I thought I would put in a few things from the last few months!

Jeff and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary at the end of May. A sweet friend (thanks K) so graciously invited us to stay at her beach location and the date just happened to fall on our actual anniversary date. We stayed a total of 4 days and we loved every minute. The beautiful picture above was right out the back door every night! Jeff and I would take our chairs, go out to the beach right before dusk and enjoy this lovely sunset. It was so relaxing-and this time was so needed for both of us! We thoroughly enjoyed our time together-talking, laughing, fishing, laying on the beach, and eating. I was so very blessed to have this time with my husband that I am not sure I can convey with words how special it was.

I also cant convey how blessed that I am to have such a wonderful husband. I don't know that I really believe in the whole "sole mate" theory-but I definitely know that God had a plan for my life-and it is a good plan-and Jeff was/is definitely supposed to be part of that plan. There have certainly been hard times in our marriage (whose doesn't have them) but I am really thankful for the man Jeff is. He is a loving husband and shows me each day how much I mean to him. He is a loving father-and the boys adore him. I really don't know if I can express my gratitude, love, respect, admiration, and blessings for him, but I will try every day to get rid of the "stuff" that keeps me from showing these true feelings. He is the man that I always knew I wanted when I was a little girl. I thank the Lord for him!!!!

MiMi and Big Dad came to visit and brought Lane and Luke-they absolutely loved the beach! They had a blast and were so tired they fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Other than the beach trip-life around here has been pretty easy going-Big Dad, MiMi, and Jeff have moved into an office, which is a good thing! They are enjoying having a place to work-things are on the move! The boys and I hang out during the day-I am trying to enjoy each and every minute because some day I will look back and think about these days with bittersweet memories. Sometimes I feel like our situation is hard-but then I look around and see how things really are-I am so blessed-I have a loving husband, healthy/happy children, family around, a roof over my head, and plenty of food to eat. I am so thankful for my blessings-life is good!