Well-It happened-Lane had his first set of stitches (five to be exact) and his first trip to the emergency doctor on Wednesday night. We were getting dinner ready (and I was looking forward to it) and Lane was playing on Luke's high chair as if it were a jungle gym. Per Jeff, he had all his weight on the tray and it gave way. Lane then hit his head directly on the tray and cut his eyelid. I of course flipped out when I saw the blood (as I have had experience with stitches in this area) and knew that he would need to go to the doctor. Jeff stayed calm and was not so sure that he needed to be taken to the doctor. I then preceded to get very sick to my stomach and almost PASSED OUT. This made me feel like a great mother ;0! Lane cried at first but then it really did not seem to bother him. We all ate dinner as usual. Jeff then started to look at Lane's eye and decided it was cut pretty bad and not sure if it would "heal back the right way". We finally decided he should probably see someone in case he needed stitches. Thank goodness there was an after hours pediactrics clinic close by that accepted our insurance. The three of us loaded up and took off. Our experience there was GREAT! All the nurses and the doctors were so nice. They first cleaned up his eye and decided he would need to be stitched up. They then came in and had to put numbing gel on his eyelid w/o actually getting it in his eye-boy was this ever fun b/c they had to bandage up his head and cover one eye! Trust me he did not like this. We then had to wait for about 30 min until it was numbed so that they could then do the stitches. The nurse told us that he would have to be put in a papoose? What is this you ask? Well I wonder if I can order these somewhere b/c it would come in handy. (I kid) A papoose is a board that they can strap down their arms and legs so that they cannot move. After the initial shock of it all, he did pretty good. Jeff and I were very proud of him. All in all this was a very pleasant experience (in spite of what happened)
I know that these types of things will happen, esp with boys, but I am not so sure that I am ready for all of them. I felt really bad that I almost passed out from the blood-but it really is not something I have control over!! I can tell you that I will have to start praying for a little more protection over both my boys!!!!
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